Flyordie Snooker

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FlyOrDie Snooker: Highest Break Possible - 147 points.No Path and no First Hit.

Forums » Billiards
THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware
Replies: 27 Pages: 2 Most recent reply posted by: tired_of_cheats (Sep 10, 2005 3:21 PM)
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Play free online multiplayer games against live opponents - Pool Games, Snooker, Chess, Curling and lots of board games are waiting for you! Snooker 611 points 327 matches. Quick Snooker 720 points 87 matches. Last seen: Since.

Posts: 2
Registered: Sep, 2005
THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 3:21 PM
Ever wonder how some make those unbeliveable shots? You know bounce off 2 or 3 rails with out it being a fluke,cause they do it over and over again. The people with really high scores, yes are good no doubt, but they too have found and mastered the flaw! It's time for the rest of you to know also. Go to the practice room and play. use your path, line up the shot, don't shoot.Now get the path to the point where it's not going in and then back to where it will go in. here's the cheat, wath the other balls on the table, pay close attention to their shadows it will look like the balls go up and down, you can use this as a 'tell' of the one your aiming at will go in. it takes a lot of practice to know what your looking at, but you too can make unmakable shots like the pros

Posts: 50
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Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 3:27 PM
Please explain it one more time

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Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 3:48 PM
Ok I'm not going to say this is easy but it definitely works.Play a practice game, break the balls and start with an easy shot, line up your shot using path now move it to where you will miss, keep doing this and watch the other balls on the table, some will look like their going up and down a little. you just have to play with it, to be able to use this in a game. in a real game you have to have some idea if your going to get close to the pocket, this kind of fine tunes your aim. when you know you will be close is when you watch the other balls and their shadows

Posts: 50
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Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 3:50 PM
It might work, but it takes ages to learn it...

hara kiri
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Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 3:55 PM
haha.. yea thats just what i do

Posts: 51
Registered: Jun, 2005
Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 5:04 PM
notice how its always crap players who try to give tips?

Killer Kebab
Posts: 189
Registered: Jun, 2005
Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 5:33 PM
Lol I jus pot the balls.

Flyordie Tournament Snooker

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Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 7:39 PM
What tips u got then nish

Sir Joseph 4
Posts: 23
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Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 10, 2005 9:22 PM
well i would try aiming it works great for me

Killer Kebab
Posts: 189
Registered: Jun, 2005
Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 11, 2005 12:28 PM
I've been trying this, played for about an hour in practise, and I can't see the difference. Could you explain exactly how you know when it's going in?

henry 14
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Registered: Jan, 2004
Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 11, 2005 1:38 PM
pmsl @ this topic he doesn't know how to tell you what he's tellin you so how u gonna figure it out PMSL

Posts: 17
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Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 11, 2005 6:11 PM
wow thatnks

Posts: 2
Registered: Dec, 2003
Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 13, 2005 3:05 AM
The untold cheat doe's work, but i didn't go onto practice mode i went on 2 pool its great it make potting much easyer

Posts: 34
Registered: Apr, 2004
Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 14, 2005 1:31 AM
does this really i have +570 points in snooker just by potting by feeling, but if this is true...700,here i come

Posts: 34
Registered: Apr, 2004
Re: THE UNTOLD CHEAT...high scores beware Posted: Sep 14, 2005 1:39 AM
just tried god, still not easy, with path i saw the difference, but whithout...:s hard to see when the balls are moving

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Forums » Billiards
Replies: 78 Pages: 6 Most recent reply posted by: OPERATOR (Oct 25, 2011 2:35 PM)
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Flyordie Snooker Software

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Replies: 78 Pages: 6 [ Go: «123456» ]
Posts: 13
Registered: Apr, 2003
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 11:20 AM
Seeing as all is changing and light isnt being updated.. Would it be possible to have a version of quick snooker as such but with 15 reds?

Mr Vanian
Posts: 98
Registered: Jan, 2003
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 12:01 PM
You should of reset all of the snooker ratings, its like a completely different game in terms of angles and power etc.

Mr Vanian
Posts: 98
Registered: Jan, 2003
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 12:08 PM
Also could we have the zoom in/out option back as optional maybe? i prefer that to look around the table rather than the +/-.

Posts: 1,656
Registered: May, 2002
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 12:14 PM
There are several ways to use the zoom now:
- click on '+'/'-'
- mouse wheel
- middle mouse button and move mouse
- 'z' key (SHIFT + 'Z' for zoom out)
- '+' key on the numpad ('-' for zoom out)
I hope you will find one of these feasible.

Posts: 7
Registered: Dec, 2004
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 12:28 PM
Really like it.
A couple of points. I think 40 seconds is plenty of time and, I would have liked to have seen that cut. Also, it would be nice to have a snooker sound when pocketing the ball. Using the Pool table one spoils it a bit.

Mr Vanian
Posts: 98
Registered: Jan, 2003
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 12:44 PM
Ah right, the mouse wheel is the best option, thanks.

Ian Brown
Posts: 2
Registered: Sep, 2011
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 7:48 PM
love the new update, defo gonna play snooker more!
nice one.

Awesome Skillz.™
Posts: 198
Registered: Oct, 2011
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 7:58 PM
is it possible to make 1 or 2 more quick snooker rooms visible on the snooker page??

Mr Vanian
Posts: 98
Registered: Jan, 2003
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 11:07 PM
Maybe it'd be better if the Billiards room wasn't empty whilst we were playing, i know its new this game and all but not going to do our confidence any good with an empty club whilst were playing Just a thought.

Posts: 23
Registered: Jan, 2010
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 26, 2011 11:34 PM
I agree Kofur
Quicker not means Easier.
Now there are 3 identical games, Blackball-Pool8-Quicksnooker.
I would like to see differences between Pool and Snooker, but at the moment I cant.
One good player in pool now is good in snooker too.
Before was not.
They were differents games and differents skills needed to play some good billiard game.
Now seems to play same game

Tariq Mir
Posts: 1
Registered: Apr, 2011
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 27, 2011 6:10 AM
suggestion :-
in new version it should be possible to change room while we are in any room (room 1 to room 2)

Posts: 143
Registered: Dec, 2004
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 27, 2011 1:40 PM
arrow over ball is so annoying & sometimes covers pocket, its pathetic

Posts: 1,656
Registered: May, 2002
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 27, 2011 1:47 PM
The arrow will disappear when changing to fine aim mode (pressing CTRL), or shooting mode (right mouse button).

Posts: 1,656
Registered: May, 2002
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 27, 2011 1:49 PM
Tariq Mir: changing rooms quickly is a privilege of our subscribed members currently.

Posts: 1,656
Registered: May, 2002
Re: Snooker Posted: Oct 27, 2011 1:52 PM
.Pıkachu: I suggest you take a closer look if you do not see any difference between pool and snooker.

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